This is a truly raw, personal product that has years worth of polish into it.
You guys know my standards, and this product is without a doubt on that level, so please support the creation of products like this by buying it when it comes out in around the next 8 weeks.
I'd like some feedback on your favourite covers -- and remember to be sure to check out the set even if your favourite cover doesn't get voted for... ;)
We may also decide to go with an entirely different cover altogether, or a rendition of the "Foundations" cover but with the new text for this particular product.
The main poll is on the Real Social Dynamics forum.
Your feedback is much, much appreciated.
Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4 (use "Foundations" cover art with new "Transformations" text):
Option 1: Seems a little bland, but it does fit along the same lines as the artwork of the website and (from what I can remember) looks similar to that of Foundations.
Option 2: The design is a bit flashy with the spiral artwork and doesn't seem to flow (IMHO) with the content of the product.
Option 3: Very dynamic design and overall my favorite. However, I would include pictures of the other RSD instructors in addition to Tyler since they were all involved in the project and each have equally valuable parts to it. Including pics of Ozzie, Tim, Hoobie and Jeffy would give the product placement more substance and increase appeal to customers with a more "team-like" synergistic impression as opposed to just Tyler alone. I'd suggest using one of the group shots from the Super Conference formatted in the same way Tyler's pic appears, even if its just on the back cover.
~Danny Ocean
I like the second the most - the others seem a bit D&D :-) I'd also examine the tagline a bit - see, I think this is going to be an awesome product, but the tagline makes it seem a bit like a "LEARN TO HAVE SEX WITH ANY WOMAN!!!?>!?!?!" type product. *shrug*
I prefer number 3 but would like to see either all the speakers in the background or probably even better - none.
Number 1 also looks very professional although a bit formal/bland.
Number 2 I really don't like the print of "Transformations". Too bold and blocky.
Number 4 is a solid classic but might not distinguish itself enough from the Foundations.
Yep option 3 for sure. I like the faded picture in the background, and think it's cool how it is - I imagine, like the posters say above, that having the entire RSD team photo in there would look cool.
When I first read option 2, I accidentally read the word "TRANSFORMERS"
Since this is a series of several products, I would also go for option #4, but why use the same color? Take the same layout, differ the color.
That way it looks like a series, is easily recognizable, but you can tell that it is a different product. It also looks better putting those DVDs beside each other.
Oh and please do me a personal favor. Don‘t use those: "How to" but: “How to”, meaning REAL quote signs.
Option #3 is definetly my favorite! Just can't figure the 'o':s out, though. Think the shade of them is a bit too intense, or maybe it should be kept and the brown shade darkened. Otherwise I like it! Woting for it!
Its a no brainer option 3 with the whole crew on it if possible if not still option 3.
I like Option 3 minus superimposed Tyler pic.
Option #3.
I see no reason to put the other instructors on there.
Looks great as is!
Option 1, looks more corporate :)
Option 3 looks sweet. Love the way the "O"s are funky looking blue-teal swirls.
I agree though, it would be nice to have the other instructors on there, perhaps a collage of the myspace pictures? And preferably it would show you guys with girls, instead of standing by yourselves, but that would be cool too.
The other covers look like powerpoint design templates. Corporate and professional? Yes. Dynamic, original, or interesting? No.
Good luck.
Hey Tyler,
They all look awesome.
I would choose #1, because it retains the same stylistic qualities as the Foundations set, without being the same exact model used for Foundations. It distinguishes it from Foundations, but it has the same motif and brand recognition.
The question, of course, is whether to set a single "RSD-style" to be used in all the products, or make each stand on it's own.
Looking forward to that.
- toli
Whoot! Option #1 is gorgeous.
option 1
Option 1 looks clean and not too busy or flashy. I'd pick that one.
What is transformations suppose to be all about?
Way different from foundations and all that?
Number 3 is the sharpest. The picture is a bit cheezy. I agree with the comments about the group....or how about a picture of a hot chick.
- stevekefa
Option 1 - Best
Option 3 - Second best - but doesn't look as professional.
Option 4 - bit too bland
Option 2 - I can recognise the tool that was used in photoshop to make it. (not a good thing)
I think they're all pretty good, but Option 1 looks the best I'd say.
Option 1 has a good balance of professionalism, simplicity and style. The colours work well and the typography is good.
Option 2 makes me think "Transformers" (robots in disguise; more than meets the eye) because of the font.
Option 3 looks pretty cool, but I don't think that photo scales up well enough to be used in that context. The colours don't sit as nicely as the blues.
Option 4 looks good, but reminds me of academia, college seminars and stuff.
Like I said, all of them look good, I like Option 1 the best by far.
Hope this helps.
Honestly bro, I think you should
have put before (AFC) and after (PUA) pics of you and the others on the cover. Identity level change, baby.
However, among those you posted, I would have to vote for #3.
TSD (c) 2007
84% Virgins - 63% Groupies
#1 for sure.
Option #1 is the best.
Option #1 or i'm not buying! =]
Option 3
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