(Before getting started, Tim has just launched a brand new site for his upcoming "Flawless Natural Method" which is being released on July 2 @ 12PM EST. The site itself is really kickass and contains tons of free value. Click over right now and have a look prior to reading this article. It's at www.flawlessnatural.com).
So there was a thread on RSDN recently and I thought it was an interesting topic for a blog article.
Basically it was a thread about a TV special on the obnoxious lifestyle of British Royalty.
It really got me thinking about beliefs that are empowering, beliefs that are disempowering, and everything in between.
For me, there is no advantage in being born rich or poor. It is absolutely arbitrary.
In order to become financially successful, a person who is born as a “have not” will usually be required to undergo a level of personal evolution.
They will have to learn to love themselves and treat themselves with respect by working hard. They will have to learn discipline and the frustratingly gradual nature of progress.
Moreover, they will have to learn a spiritual aspect in that an entrepreneur must deal with massive financial uncertainty, and at times very serious financial loss.
Maintaining success in the long term comes back to that old distinction of "ego versus self esteem".
A person who seeks success in order to glorify themselves will rarely maintain it, while a person who works hard for the privilege of operating at their highest potential and offering value without credit will tend to survive in the long term.
Now think about the financial elite...
They will not have the advantage of engaging in this path from the same perspective -- that "No roof over head, no ground under foot" mode of existence that will shape them into better people over the course of their lives.
And their challenge is two-fold...
When you have had to slave, work, sweat, and risk financial doom for years in order to arrive in a position of abundance, you have a value for a dollar.
You are in a sense, grounded, because you know what’s involved in the creation of wealth and you appreciate it.
More importantly though, is that there is only true enjoyment in that which you have rightfully earned.
For a man who has earned his financial position, to eat at a fine restaurant is a lavish experience because it is the result of work that he produced with his own two hands.
He can eat in contentedness, and in a peaceful moment away from work, because it is his right to do so.
In his heart, he knows that everything could be taken away from him, but that within him are the resources to build it all back, better and stronger than before.
For a person who did not earn their position, every moment of extravagance is a reminder of what they lack.
There is no true enjoyment in any of their privilege. An African tribesman dancing around a fire in his mud hut village is far happier.
What they experience is a simulated happiness, and when it doesn’t satisfy, it makes them feel truly insane.
Human beings are very much like trees or plants, in that we need wind and weather to grow stronger, and a strong set of roots for equilibrium for when we grow tall.
If you’ve ever gardened, you’ve seen what happens when a plant grows up over a wall or any kind of support, and how when you remove it the plant simply falls over and cracks and usually dies.
That is a human being, and those born into the financial elite are often in many ways like the plant that’s grown up against that artificial wall, never aware it was doing so.
The truth is that the level of privilege of the British royalty is so far excessive and superfluous that it is beyond anything anyone could ever put in any real perspective.
Far more important is the sense of self reliance as a man, which offers more happiness than any amount of money could ever provide.
Their journey towards their own truth is no more or less difficult than anyone else’s. It is just different, and they will have their own challenges and ways in which they can choose to evolve.
The only true advantage that is “fair” or “unfair” in this world is education and economy.
In the past year I have travelled Latin America as well as inner cities in the United States, and realized that there are indeed some people who have been dealt a hand in life that is truly unfair.
Human beings, when left on "default setting", are often trapped in mindsets of scarcity, pettiness, and prejudice, anger and hate towards others and themselves.
People who come from poverty oftentimes speak in slang and dialects that points them out as uneducated and creates barriers to their future.
And people who live in economies that are mismanaged by corrupted and radical governments can have all the greatness and potential in the world, with no means through which to express it because the opportunity is simply not there.
That, to me, is the only real instance of fairness when it comes to wealth.
Personally I would never feel envious towards anyone for anything. Be that a guy who is taller than me, better looking, or more financially well off.
I would never scoff at the gifts I’ve been given by looking at other people with jealousy, hatred, or disdain.
Now that’s not to say that it’s bad that the people who expressed negativity towards the royalty shouldn’t have done so.
To me, the value or RSDN is that you get to put your ideas out there to get feedback as well as scrutiny. I value ANYONE who takes the risk to their ego of posting their views on anything, because it exposes them to valuable feedback.
Outlooks and perspectives evolve.
Anyway hopefully this has offered some evolution to your own outlook. Ultimately it is just my own opinion, and how I've chosen to make sense of the world.
PS: Did you check out Tim's brand new site?? It's about YOU and maximizing YOUR experience with this stuff. Have a look, it's at: www.flawlessnatural.com.
It's so vital to have your outlook evolve - and not be scared of it.
Great article. Much love.
Very good thoughts really , i am the author of that thread and by chance i happened to get here and i was so stunned when i saw the post :).
I can tell you have very mature thoughts :O , in the end thats what i am looking for... that maturity to see the world.
It must be true that royalty does not aprecciate what they have as much as a "normal" person would. But what i dislike about them is that having so much power they do not use it to " give value " ( in rsd terms... ) to the world...
They could do SOOOOO MUCH good , but yet , their are satisfied living a life of the most luxurious enterteinment .
And lets be honest... most of us would do the same , but me , personally , i would try to "help the world" with the almost infinite power that i would have if i lived like them...
I COULD NOT posibly continue my life of constant entertainment if i knew what was coming on around the world these days... i would allways have my conscience torturing me because of all that i could be doing , instead of being so selfish.
And thats one of the reasons that watching that program on TV made me so mad.
cheers , btw Good article tyler, i feel proud of my post ha ha ;)
Awesome post as always! An enlightening perspective, one that I've shared for a while.
I think my parents can use this more than me. I'll show it to them.
Nice article bro. The plant metaphor was really awesome.
Reminded me of Jesus's parables(which are full of amazing wisdom).
"In order to become financially successful, a person who is born as a “have not” will usually be required to undergo a level of personal evolution.
They will have to learn to love themselves and treat themselves with respect by working hard. They will have to learn discipline and the frustratingly gradual nature of progress."
Could you elaborate.
"Their journey towards their own truth is no more or less difficult than anyone else’s. It is just different, and they will have their own challenges and ways in which they can choose to evolve."
This part is key for me. Do you think they will have an easier life than the average Joe? Nope, their challenges will just be of a different type. Their paths in life will be just as difficult as yours. And because of this, any feelings of envy or pity are meaningless.
simple yet profound
Tyler- you rock!
ego vs self esteem- this is exactly what I was thinking about recently.
thanks man!
Owen thanks so much for the way some of your points have helped me evolve in my life. This post branded some ideas into my mind that I was definitely lacking, but just on the verge of discovering it appears.
Truly Thank you. Neeko
Owen, great insights into the process of internal centering.
I think its linked strongly with a persons sense of entitlement and cognitive dissonance that occurs when spoils have gifted and not earned.
In defence of the royals, cfredit to them and their military involvement. I understand they cant serve due to the risk of their profile but their training and rank gives them sense of acheivement and deservedness of their wealth.
Great post, Mr. T. It's funny. I wrote almost the same thing in my reply to that thread before I read this. :)
Mort à la monarchie! Owen's a great guy, an inspiring example. Such a shame he's so right wing!!
Imagine the ultimate next level: like higher than anything possible.
Now imagine higher...
TD, you're just above that.
I guess that's what we call genius.
Sincerely yours
Yes! Bash the British. Dont think of your own country. Just bash others.
I agree.
The funny thing about royalty, is there inner world is a mess. They haven't suffered any hardship, so there character is trash.
Sure they have everything they want... but is it ever enough?
I have a friend who's a farmer. Has no ambition, no drive, only wants to be a farmer.And he's happy...
TD, thanks for linking that post and blogging about it. Some excellent thoughts in there. I'm going through a similar journey that you're describing (poverty to success) and it really hit home.
FYI the black guy in the picture was a solider awarded the Victoria Cross for valour. He's not a royal.
Thank you Tyler.
You truely are a great person.
Your insight into the world, people, and life is truely amazing.
I always leave with a smile after reading your blog.
Keep up the great work !
Hey Tyler,
Take a look at this, it really is one of the "red pills":
David Icke talkin' about 'bout important things like social con.
Take care,
Hey man, love your stuff. Been an inspiration since the beginning, and you keep on evolving, which I really admire.
I'm actually passing by in Oahu in January (first time ever) - I'd love to grab a coffee with you (or go surfing, that's even better)!
Pay a visit to my blog if you want to see what I'm all about - http://belgianpua.wordpress.com
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